What's So Great About Shakespeare?
"His grasp of the human condition is perhaps unmatched in literature."
Terry W. Glaspey
As a young mother, I wasn't convinced that Shakespeare was worth studying-at least, not by children. After all, his plays had bawdy jokes, frequent love-making and his personal life had some serious flaws. However, over time, as I studied Shakespeare's plays and researched his influence upon the English-speaking world, I began to feel that my children would have quite a gap in their understanding of our world if I neglected Shakespeare. I would have to be careful how I approached it, guarding their little hearts while introducing them to yet another medium that revealed the nature of mankind. Here are...
Some reasons why we study Shakespeare
He is responsible for adding some 2000 words and phrases to the English
language-examples include: gloomy, lonely, majestic, reliance, hurry,
leapfrog, excellent. Tongue-tied, budge an inch, seen better days, fair
play, lord and master, foul play, dead as a doornail, my own flesh and
blood, set your teeth on edge, without rhyme or reason, laughing stock,
didn't sleep a wink and if the truth were known. (more here)
His plays provide a comprehensive and thoughtful look at the human condition, dealing with the virtues of men as well as their vices- love, faithfulness, greed, honesty, selfishness, mercy, lust, power and justice are just a few. As we study his plays we understand ourselves better.
His inspiration comes from historical events, mythological tales, and Biblical passages. He often refers to Christ, his teachings and other Biblical characters and morals. All of these sources are a vital part of our history.
His plays deal with the consequences of sin and yet Shakespeare is very liberal in showing mercy. I believe this is a VERY important theme in his works. Macbeth, although one of his darkest plays, reveals the power of unconfessed sin and it's ability to destroy not just one, but many lives. It also exposes the dangers of witchcraft.
His plays provide rich fodder for meaningful discussions.
His poetry is profound. Shakespeare and the sonnet go hand in hand.
His plays have intricate plots with many twists and turns, providing an excellent exercise in logic.
They are thoroughly entertaining and stimulate the imagination.
Merchant of Venice The Tempest King Lear
(Click to enlarge)
Shakespeare does misbehave at times, but fortunately, the Elizabethan
English veils such innuendos quite well and they go by unnoticed by the
children. For this reason, it is better if you do not use modern
versions of the plays.
I have been told that not all of his plays are suitable for young people
so you will have to be careful and do a little research. If you look at AO's suggestions, you should be safe.
The words 'lovers' and 'love-making' are frequently used but this did
not have the same meaning back then as it does today. It referred to the
attraction and not the act between two people. I do not let my children
read books about boys and girls 'in love' with each other. Shakespeare,
however, does not fall in this category because the characters are
adults and the stories are often unrealistic and very silly. They cause
my children to scoff at the nonsense rather than produce an attraction
for the opposite sex.
Shakespeare's plays were obviously not written for young children.
However, we all know that most high school-aged students today do not
enjoy studying Shakespeare. I believe this is partly due to the
difficult language. Teachers immediately expect understanding, enjoyment
and analysis to occur in a single lesson. The student did not have
enough time to develop an appreciation for the stories. I feel it is a
good idea to introduce children to the general stories using expurgated
versions adapted especially for the child mind. In this way, the
children will have developed an understanding of the stories and an
appreciation for them by the time they are old enough to explore the
important themes within them in greater detail. If you read early
classic children's literature, you will notice that children were
introduced to Shakespeare while young using Nesbit's and Lamb's stories.
It was common to name a pet after Greek or Shakespearean heroes.
Elizabeth Enright's books are a good example of this. Educators and
parents evidently recognized the value of introducing the Bard to
children. They followed these preparatory steps not only with
Shakespeare, but other classic authors as well.
Taming of the Shrew
In our Home
When my children reach 7 or 8 yrs of age, I read aloud Nesbit's Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare once a week, taking two weeks per tale. I divide a dry erase board into about 9 large grid squares and draw stick figures of each main character as they are introduced. I write the name of the play in the first box. My children do the same on their clipboards by dividing a piece of paper into squares and copying me. I write the name of each character above each stick figure. My young writers only write the first letter of each person's name in each of their boxes.
Often, for a creative narration, the children retell the story (just part of it) using paper dolls or popsicle sticks with the figures puttied onto them. Here is another idea.
We also read Shakespeare, Bard of Avon together. This is a wonderful, simple, yet thorough introduction to his life and works.
We also read Shakespeare, Bard of Avon together. This is a wonderful, simple, yet thorough introduction to his life and works.
As we continue the book in third grade, they make a drawn narration of the tale and label it. We watch Shakespeare's Animated Tales too, but only AFTER we have finished the story.
We usually act out a Shakespeare play once a year as well and invite our close friends and family to watch the production. Our family has made some beautiful memories this way.
Approximately ten or eleven years of age, my children watch the play
online. With their own personal copies of the play in book form open in
front them, they follow along. I try to make sure that at least two
children are doing this together to make it more fun. My daughters love
to watch these plays (if link doesn't work try here)
and laugh over the numerous jokes housed in archaic language. This
takes twelve weeks to finish as I only allow about 15 minutes per week
for this. We don't analyze, just enjoy and of course, spontaneous
natural discussions occur too. They usually narrate to me afterwards.
By high school, my children are thoroughly acquainted with several
Shakespearean plays and enjoy reading and talking about them. They
are now ready for the next step, which involves analysis. Each student
on her own reads and studies the plays in Brightest Heaven of Invention and then watches some of the movies that the author recommends. This is done slowly over several years.
Notice that I am not the main teacher for most of this. After careful
research and listening to the advice of people I respect, I find sources
I feel that I can trust and am allowing them to do the bulk of the
teaching. I simply provide the resources and gently guide occasional
discussions. My children are mostly self taught.
Recommended Resources
http://www.berith.org/hsres/shak/shak01.html Why study Shakespeare?
http://cla.calpoly.edu/~smarx/courses/510F99/510Cal.html A Biblical online Shakespeare Course
http://absoluteshakespeare.com/index.htm Absolute Shakespeare- Summaries, quotes, biography, plays and more.
http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/ Spark notes- good summaries
http://www2.hn.psu.edu/faculty/jmanis/shake.htm Complete plays, free
http://karenswhimsy.com/shakespearesplays.shtm Colorful Illustrations
http://www.berith.org/hsres/shak/shak01.html Why study Shakespeare?
http://cla.calpoly.edu/~smarx/courses/510F99/510Cal.html A Biblical online Shakespeare Course
http://absoluteshakespeare.com/index.htm Absolute Shakespeare- Summaries, quotes, biography, plays and more.
http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/ Spark notes- good summaries
http://www2.hn.psu.edu/faculty/jmanis/shake.htm Complete plays, free
http://karenswhimsy.com/shakespearesplays.shtm Colorful Illustrations
"Shakespeare was as great a philosopher as he was a poet. That's what he set out to teach us in every line. His characters 'Leontes,' 'Othello,' 'Lear,' 'Prospero,' 'Brutus,' demonstrate the same thing: that a man's reason will try to bring infallible proofs to any notion that a person decides to take up. There's no shortcut and no way around it, the art of life takes a long time to learn."
Charlotte Mason
*article edited Feb 2010
There are still errors in this post and the formatting is off but I need to spend some time with my kids. I'll try to make repairs later today.
I ordered this Shakespear collection a few months ago and I'm now ready to start. http://www.homeschoolradioshows.com/ Scroll down to September 21 entry. I emailed them to see if they are still offering this incredible resource, so I'll let you know.
Thank you so much! We are grieved and praying for the spiritual events of Turkey recently.
Sending warmest wishes across the seas (it's already hot and humid here),
Thank you for the detailed post! I am so happy! Since we are getting ready for Year one this is perfect timing.
Have a great day,
Your blog is such an encouragement to me! What a great mentor I have found in you. =o)
We are starting Year 1 this fall, and the legwork you've done and posted on your blog, such as this one regarding Shakespeare and children, will be of such use to many.
thank you!
Thank you so much for your insight; it is always so helpful,
Blessings to you and your family,
Our library does not have Edith Nesbit's book, but it does have Lamb's, Tales from Shakespeare. I was just wondering about the difference between these two and why you prefer Nesbit for the early years and Lamb later?
Rachel, Nesbit's version is a little simpler and thus shorter. The differences aren't great. You could easily use Lamb's as a substitute. Some folks actually prefer Lamb's because the details help to clarify some things that are not explained in Nesbit's.
Hope you are well. I just wanted to say thanks for including the pdf music and artist flash cards in your delicious finds - they are great.
Have a great week.
Please share on your blog sometime some spiritual insights your gained from Shakespeare. I think that would be so helpful for many.
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to comment, ladies.
I have the hardest time opening your blog and commenting. There are always too many connections. I'll try again later. Glad the links were helpful. I only pass along links that I really like.
Thank you, once again, for an excellent & insightful post. I glean so much from your thought-provoking articles. Learning has once again become a joy for me, as I guide my own in a rich education.
I had NEVER read any of his works before homeschooling.
We read Bard of Avon also.
I liked the last two pages, where it tells of all the popular quotes that we get from Shakespeare.
I also like the books by Bruce Coville.
Thank you so much for your recommendations. I've been wondering what to do with Shakespeare. I'm always so encouraged after reading your blog. Thank you for sharing what you're learning!
Mme Labonté
I laughed when you said you were surprised, but not too surprised. I understand that statement. ;)
I think any Shakespeare play should be readily available to any person out there. Even a bloody play like Titus Andronicus (often deraded for its simplistic plot) contains a wealth of information and insight valuable to any humanbeing (whether he/she be a child or an adult).
The best play to get to know Shakespeare with is probably Macbeth, though any play (as you so rightly phrased) provides an excellent exercise in logic.